Category Archives for BMR Choice

Best Baby Formula

Baby Formula contains a variety of important nutrients, vitamins and minerals similar to those found in breast milk, in just the right amounts. Some parents wonder if cow’s milk would be a suitable alternative

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Baby Girl: Best Clothes for her

A Baby Girl has many options when it comes to clothing from dresses, skirts, blouses, pants, shorts, etc. This is a game changer when it comes to photo shoots but a pain when it comes to choosing an everyday

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Baby Boy: Best Clothes for him

A Baby Boy does not have as many options to choose from as a Baby Girl might have, nevertheless, we at BMR Choice are here to help you out.You might be tempted to choose the trending style, but we have

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Top Picks for Toddler Dental Hygiene

Dental Hygiene in Toddlers should start once those baby teeth start coming out.  Getting kids to brush their teeth can be a struggle. You, as a parent, need to have a lot of patience and the correct

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Best Potty Training Products

Potty Training is part of a child’s life. As your baby grows into a toddler and beyond, there are so many ways they become more and more independent. You’ll love seeing all of these exciting milestones

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Best Activity Centers for your Baby

Best Activity Centers are the perfect outlet for all of that developing curiosity. They provide babies with a safe, secure space to explore textures, movements, sights and sounds and to practice important

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Sensory Toys: Top Picks

Sensory Toys help babies learn about the environment through all of their five senses, developing a sense of the world and their place within it. Learning from the environment helps babies grow and develop.

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Best Fisher Price Toys

Best Fisher Price Toys are key to having a good play time. At BMR Choice, we believe that playing with  the most amazing and high quality toys kids learn and have fun.With the pandemic, as most of

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Amazing Munchkin Products

Amazing Munchkin Products can help both babies and parents. At BMR Choice, we believe that using the most amazing and high quality products provide you with the best experience.Munchkin creates innovative,

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Top Picks of Philips AVENT Products

Top Picks from Philips AVENT for both mom and baby. When you think of baby products you might think about many brands, but today BMR Choice presents Philips AVENT and their best products.Do you ever feel

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Eco-Friendly Choices: Care for Environment

Eco-Friendly Choices are sometimes difficult to make. As a parent you might spend a long time looking at ingredient lists or what materials are in sometimes.There are many reasons to go Eco-Friendly. Some

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Best Baby Cribs: Get good sleep

Baby Cribs are an essential for every baby since they will be spending a big part of their first year sleeping in one. Instead of looking at a crib as an expense, think of it as an investment to make your

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Breastfeeding: Starter Products

Breastfeeding is when a mother feeds her baby breast milk, usually directly from her breast. It can also be called nursing. Making the decision to breastfeed is a personal matter. It's also one that's

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Baby Transport: Safe Trip

Baby Transport is a crucial step in getting your baby from point A to point B. Prams, strollers, carriers, car seats, portable cots and more; there are any number of ways for you to transport your

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Baby Travel: Get Ready for it

Baby Travel can be a hassle. But the BMR Choice came up with some suggestions that can take some of the pressure from traveling with a baby. Even if you consider yourself to be an expert at packing

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Baby Safety: First Priority

Baby Safety is very important. Most accidents with babies can be prevented by childproofing the home or any environment a baby will be in. It is important to say that childproofing does not have to be

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Baby Reading: Best Books

Baby Reading is very important. Even though your newborn cannot hold a book or doesn't know the letters of the alphabet, it's never too early to introduce them to the wonder of books. In fact, reading

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Baby Play Time: Great Toys

Baby Play Time should always be fun. Play is how babies learn about the world around them in their early life. It helps to build confidence, relationships, and basic skills. The toys you use are key. They

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Baby Feed Time: Amazing Food

Baby Feed Time is always an interesting experience. Every baby is different. Everything from what they will eat, how often or even how much. For a baby’s first 0 to 3 months we suggest that you either

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Baby Nap Time: Best Products

Baby Nap Time is crucial both for babies and parents. No two babies are the same, therefore each baby will have a different sleeping schedule. That said, establishing a dependable daytime sleep routine

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